Biochemical Engineering: How to Become a Biochemical Engineer

Shaik Shakeer
7 min readMay 23, 2021


Want a new career in a field that’s been ranked one of the best jobs in America? Becoming a Biochemical Engineer is a great way to switch careers, even if you have no experience in the field.

Biochemical engineering is a rapidly growing field that uses engineering principles (i.e., designing, developing, and improving systems) to solve problems in biochemistry.

Biochemical engineers are typically tasked with developing new materials, treatments, or processes to help solve a problem in biochemistry.

This field is perfect for those with an engineering background who want to apply their skills to develop products that could significantly impact the biochemistry world.

In this article, we’ll explore the various types of biochemical engineering jobs, what they entail, and what you need to succeed in them.

What is a Biochemical Engineer?

Biochemical engineering is the application of biological, chemical, and physical sciences to the engineering process. The field is still in its infancy, and there are many different ways to pursue a career in biochemical engineering.

Like many engineering fields, biochemical engineering is broad and can be broken down into specific disciplines, such as bioprocess engineering, bio instrumentation, molecular engineering, biochemical engineering design, and many more.

The United States Department of Energy describes a Biochemical Engineer as, A process engineer skilled in chemical/biochemical processes, materials, and equipment optimization, including chemical and biochemical process technology.

Biochemical engineers are known for their technical ability to perform complex chemical and biochemical procedures and understand and troubleshoot complex chemical and biochemical equipment and processes.

At the same time, Chemical Engineering News notes that biochemistry and biotechnology are on the rise. To support this trend, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employment in biotechnology is expected to grow 18% between 2014 and 2024.

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Who is Biochemical Engineer

A Biochemical Engineer is someone who specializes in the application of chemical, physical, and biological sciences to the manufacture, processing, and use of chemicals, materials, living organisms, and systems.

Where can a biochemical engineer work

Biochemical engineers usually work in a laboratory setting where they may create new chemical compounds or apply their knowledge to improve the quality of life for people.

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How to become a Biochemical Engineer? biomedical engineer requirements

You can become a Biochemical Engineer by obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and then continuing with a Master’s degree in Biochemical Engineering.

A bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering will prepare you for a career in the field. This degree will teach you how to apply chemical engineering principles to the design, development, and operation of industrial processes and systems.

What is the day-to-day work of a Biochemical Engineer?

Biochemical engineers are often the first line of defence in the development of new drugs and treatments.

They use their knowledge of chemistry, biology, and engineering to create new methods for manufacturing drugs.

Biochemical engineers typically work in a lab or an office setting.

Biochemical engineers work closely with chemists, biologists, and other engineers to develop and improve methods for manufacturing drugs.

They may be involved in developing a new medicine or being tasked with enhancing production methods for existing drugs.

Biochemical engineers must have a strong knowledge of chemistry, biology, and engineering to carry out their jobs.

Also read: Analytical chemist

What does a biochemical engineer do at their job?

Some of the everyday responsibilities of biomedical engineers are to:

- Design and build diagnostic devices

- Design and build therapeutic devices

- Design and build devices for surgical procedures

- Design and build artificial organs

- Design and build medical instrumentation

- Design, prepare and test medical implants

- Design and optimize medical imaging equipment

- Develop new methods for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases

- Consult with surgeons on the design

What are the skills I need to succeed in this field?

biomedical engineer skills
Here are skills that you’ll need to succeed in this rapidly growing field:
A good grasp of basic chemical principles and how they apply to life sciences
You need to be familiar with the basic principles used to develop pharmaceuticals, biocompatible products, therapeutics, and vaccines.
You’ll need to understand the basics of protein folding, ribosome behaviour, molecular recognition, DNA replication, gene regulation, and genetic engineering.
You’ll also need to understand how your work could impact the health of the human body and communicate how your work will help address critical challenges in the biochemistry world.
Some other common skills that biomedical engineers will need include
the ability to use computers for design work,
the ability to work in a team environment,
and the ability to design complex products
Biomedical engineers must also have excellent problem-solving skills.

What is the salary of a Biochemical Engineer?

biomedical engineering salary

The average biomedical engineering salary is $81,000. This salary is not always the case, as some engineers may make more or less depending on their experience and the company they are employed by.

According to Biochemical engineers earn an average of about $86,000 per year; they make a bit more than Mechanical Engineers, whose average salary is $80,400 per year.

  • Is bioengineering a good career |
  • Is biochemical engineering in demand?

Bioengineering is a good career path with high pay and low unemployment. Bioengineers are in high demand because of their critical role in developing new medical treatments and cures.

Bioengineering is a science-based field that combines engineering and biological sciences to develop and produce devices, materials, and living systems to improve the quality of life. Bioengineering is a new and emerging field with great opportunities for those interested in contributing to the medical field.

How many years does it take to become a biochemical engineer?

A bachelor’s degree in biochemical engineering typically takes four years to complete and requires coursework in biology, chemistry, physics, math, and computer science.

Students also need to take engineering courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and biochemistry. In addition to the Bachelor’s degree, some employers may require a master’s degree or PhD in biochemical engineering.

Do biochemical engineers make medicine.

Yes, biochemical engineers make medicine, as well as other products for the biomedical industry.

Biochemical engineers also make medicines. They take the raw materials and process them with machines and other equipment to produce proteins or other drugs.

What do biochemical engineers study?

Biochemical engineers study the process of converting raw materials, such as petroleum, into useful products such as gasoline, plastics, and other chemicals. Biochemical engineers are in charge of designing a process to make the desired product. They also help manage the process once it is operational.

How much money do biochemical engineers make?

The median annual wage of a bioengineer is between 81,000 to$86,000.

What are the benefits of becoming a Biochemical Engineer?

You’ll get to work on cutting-edge projects, including ones that are developing the technologies for the medical field and the energy industry. Biochemical engineers can work on anything from developing new fuel sources to diagnosing and treating diseases.

Biochemical engineer job description


- Develop the process design for a new product in conjunction with engineering and production teams

- Optimize existing process designs to meet production capacity, improve yields and reduce costs

- Troubleshoot problems in existing production lines to improve productivity and quality

- Develop a plan for the future of the process line

- Assist with process development for new products or lines that are under development by other teams

- Work with the engineering team to develop operating procedures for new equipment or operations

- Work with Quality Control to ensure that each batch meets specifications before release

- Review work of other engineers on the team as needed

- Regularly participate in meetings with customers, marketing, sales, and other engineering teams Requirements: — Minimum 3 years of experience


Despite the many benefits of a career as a biochemical engineer, the application process to get started as an engineer can be difficult and complicated. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources to make the process more seamless. Read more

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